Oh, uh, I, uh

Age 28, Male

RIT 2018


Joined on 1/26/09

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Brewster's News

Posted by Brewster - May 31st, 2013

NATA's Novice Round just ended and I'm up against Hikarian so I'm probably out but who knows. Either way,

Go watch Bondbreak Bay

I don't completely despise it yet so go check it out, you might like it. The only thing I'm worried about is that people who don't know about the competition are going to see all these movies with the same songs and think we're all copying off of each other. Hopefully people realize what's going on and don't auto 0 just because of the songs. Although I will say I can't even listen to these things anymore after hearing them so many times. No offense to the musicians though, they're great songs. It's just like when you keep saying the same word over and over again it starts to sound weird to you.

After the open round a couple of the NATA Skype chat regulars all got together and made a bouncing ball collab. it was on the front page, it was great. Well we're at it again and this time we're doing walk cycles wich is a lot more interesting than a ball. That'll be out some time before the next round begins so watch out! Woah!

Depending on whether or not I make it to the next round, I'll be working on a project that I don't want to divulge too much about. I can tell you it's about a squirrel and a dog though. A very small amount of people who read this will know what it is. It won't be anything big so I'm not gonna build it up, but I am working on stuff so uh ya.

That's it, have a greart time.

Here's an inbetween from Bondbreak Bay.

NATA Novice Round Toon & Collab + secret project

Posted by Brewster - April 30th, 2013

NATA 2013 is in full swing. The open round just ended a few days ago, but I had to finish a background or 2 so I waited to publish my entry for a while.

Watch Say Sneeze!

I think I did a pretty gu job, considering the choices I made. For the first week of the round I had a a pretty okay idea about a farmer and a pig and bear. I wrote this big ol 3 minute long story that had an ABCB rhyme scheme, recorded myself reading it, and even got a couple voice actors to record some lines. Then I got halfway through storyboarding and completely scrapped the idea. I didn't feel like the idea was working so I went to sleep and thought of sneezes for some reason. Then every day after that I busted ass trying to make up for lost time. I even animated a shot while sitting in a car driving on a bumpy ass highway. Real tedious shit. But it was fun.

Anyway I finished up and now I'm just waiting to see the judge's results. I think I might be okay for the next round but there's really no way of knowing at this point. If I do make it to the novice round, I'm gonna have to step it up. The way the brackets work this year is 1v1v1v1 and only one person makes it through. There's a ton of talented people participating so I'm a bit nervous for the novice.

There's also a small collab I took part in last weekend where members of the NATA skype chat animated a loop of a bouncing ball. Surprisingly, a bouncing ball collab has never been done before, despite it being the go-to animation cliche when showing the basics. That should be out some time next week hopefully.

Speaking of last weekend, Saturday was Pico Day and I got invited to the party at the NG offices. I went and had a blast of a blast. I met a shit ton of cool guys, got a tour of the offices, played some Battleblock Theater (funfunfun), and spent some time on the stream. It was probably one of the funnest things and I hope I get invited back next year.

That's it for now.

I made you a NATA cartoon, Balls, Baby's first Pico Day

Posted by Brewster - April 1st, 2013

I finished it yesterday but i couldn't upload due to the publishing glitch that was going on. But here it is.

Voyaging the Void

Started it back in November, worked on some other stuff, finally came back and made it my March toon. I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I feel like I'm becoming better at injecting my cartoons more with my own sense of humor, and I want to know if people think it's funny at all. or whatever you think about it really. So let me know in the comments or in a review or in a PM or SOMETHIN.

Anyway, new stuff. April has begun, and with it comes NATA. The theme for the open round is "a new holiday" and I'm soooooo super excited. NATA is the greatest thing ever ever. I only made it to the first round last year but I feel I've improved greatly since then and I'm hoping to make it even further this year (maybe even win but probably not who knows). Yeah so that's pretty much all for now.

Have a great fun!

Cartoon! New! You can watch it if you want.

Posted by Brewster - February 28th, 2013

Watch Mount Mayhem. It's a cartoon that i started back in October but didn't start working on until this month. I think I did some cool things with it, but I know there's still room for improvement, so let me know what you think.

That takes care of February. I wanted to start doing 1 animation a month but I missed out on January. This month I almost didn't make it, but I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I didn't release anything for two entire months. For March I've already started in my next toon, which is another unfinished NMAE entry about space. It's either moderately funny or disgustingly unfunny, only time will tell.

Also there's a couple collabs I'm a part of right now, but I'm not sure when those'll be released so look out.


Also you can watch it on Youtube if that's what you're into.

A brand new old cartoon. View it!

Posted by Brewster - December 17th, 2012

Caution is Key. It's a new animation that I made in 4 weeks for the NMAE competition. The theme for the final round was don't look back and it made me think of that for some reason.

I don't know, go check it out.

Now it's time for me to go back and finish the other 2 NMAE entries that I started. Hopefully I'll get the 1st of those (Mount Mayhem) out some time in January, but if not Feb for sure.

Ok, that's all for now. So long!

EDIT: Also it got FP'd holy gee wow.

EDIT2: Also also check out this comic I did for my art class in school. It's a real riot.

A NEW cartoon for your viewing pleasure

Posted by Brewster - December 3rd, 2012

Haven't made a news post in a while. I have so much to show you.

Nooni Media Animation Extravaganza is coming to a close in 12 days. The theme for the final round was "don't look back" and I think I have a real shot at winning but then theres Hikarian and Sandwich-eater to worry about so who knows what's gonna happen. Ok so I'm currently working on my entry for that, which makes 3 different cartoons I'm planning to release. I've got Mount Mayhem (NMAE Round 1), Voyaging the Void (NMAE Round 2), and Caution is Key (NMAE Final Round). It's been a couple months since I've released a new toon, so I'm looking to get at least one of those out before 2013 comes around. It'll most likely be Caution is Key, which is a whale of a tale, so look out.

I really hate that I didn't really do much on NG in the month of November, so starting January I'll be making sure to submit at least one piece of content every month. This might not mean a new animation every month but at least something, like an art post or something. I currently have to make comic strip for school so maybe I could do something to follow up on the one I did in June.

Also, illustrating a kid's book? It's possible that it's possible, but that's really all I know at this point.

You can also become a fan if you give a shit.

Mount Mayhem. Voyaging the Void. Caution is Key.
Get pumped

Woah I guess it's been a while. An update for YOU!

Posted by Brewster - October 16th, 2012

Last weekend I teamed up with a couple other Newgrounders, Pahgawk and BPremo, for Game Jam 8. The theme was the cabin in the woods. In 2 we made Lumberjacked. Go play it if you haven't, it turned out so much better than I expected.

Pahgawk did the pro-est programming, and BPremo and I shared the workload on the art. Bill did a fantastic job on that lumberjack design, I must say. Also Bill got his friend, Ryan, to do the voice work on the intro at the beginning of the game. Turned out great.

Other things:

NMAE Round 2 starts soon. Everyone who submitted their entry for round 1 made it in because 3 people missed the deadline. Also there was an extra credit round where the winner gets 15% toward their next round score. The theme was "coin flip" and we had a day to make a 5 second animation about it. Here's mine below. IT LOOOOOPS!


Posted by Brewster - October 8th, 2012

I am now Brewster. For about the past year I've felt that the name BobyB64 was horrible and stupid and dumb. I decided that having my last name as my online handle was a lot better than a misspelling of my first name with 64. So a few days ago I PM'd Tom about it and the name has been changed! It's kind of a drastic change, going from BobyB64 to Brewster, but it's for the best. It might take some getting used to at first but everything will seem like normal within a month or two.
I guess this would be a pretty good time to give an update on a few things.

First off, NMAE. Round 1 ends in about 3 days (the end of October 11th) and it's not looking good for me. So far, I have about 1000/2000 frames of rough animations done. And 2 backgrounds. Yes, there is still time left, but I think it's safe to say I'm not going to finish. School has really been getting in the way lately. That, and my own laziness. If I do somehow make it to Round 2, I'll have to figure out a better way to balance school and animating.

Second, the Breaking Bad Collab. Although the deadline has been extended, I'm not sure if I'll have my part done. In fact, I haven't even started, really. I have the script written and the audio recorded, but I haven't yet had the time to animate anything. If I don't make it into the collab, I think I'll submit it on it's own because I still like the idea and I think it would be funny.

So thats pretty much it. I actually have a bunch of stuff I plan on doing soon. Time management is the biggest thing I have to work on now.

PIC: from my Round 1 entry. It's mountains!

Name Changed!

Posted by Brewster - September 15th, 2012

So there's this animation competition that sprung up on the internet last month. It's called NMAE and it's very NATA-esque. Anyway, the open round just ended this past Wednesday and I entered "Sam's Sammiches". I just uploaded it to the portal.

You should probably watch it.

I'm going up against some great animators such as Hikarian and Terabiter just to name a couple. Round 2 starts on the 17th and the results for the open round will probably be posted the same day, so we'll see how that goes.

So now that that's out of the way for now, I have a couple more things on my list of things to get started on. First there's the Breaking Bad Collab (pretty sure that's still happening). Deadline is October and I haven't started animating my part at all yet so I'll start that soon.

Then there's that Calculator Kids 'toon I talked about in my last post. It's still in the writing stage and it'll probably be there for a while, it's not really my #1 priority at this point. But I still definitely want to do it.

Alright that's it for now! Check back soon or something I don't know...

EDIT: If you're having problems watching the animation click here to watch it on youtube.

EDIT2: Ok some people have said it lags for them in the beginning of the movie. I think I figured out the problem, so watch it again and let me know how it works for you.

Sam's Sammiches NMAE

Posted by Brewster - August 20th, 2012

So ever since I got eliminated from NATA I kinda took a break from animating. I was always kinda practicing here and there but I wasn't starting any real movies. Until now.

First off. As you might have heard there's a Breaking Bad Collab being organized. It's one helluva show and I highly suggest you start watching if you haven't yet. The deadline is around October so, if you are a fan and you can animate, definitely join this. I know will.

Secondly, a very NATA-like competition has started. It's called NMAE (Nooni Media Animation Extravaganza) and the open round started a couple days ago. The theme is "the hidden door". I have an idea for it that I'm currently making an animatic for. Working title right now is "I Could Go For A Sammich". The deadline is September 12th so I'll pretty much be working non stop on this and my part for the Breaking Bad collab until then. Until school starts... ugh fuck.

Third. I've been slowly forming an idea I've had in my head for a while into a script. I'm not gonna divulge too much at this point, but it's called Calculator Kids and it's about kids with calculators.

That's about all for now, so wish me luck, and have a splendid time!

(pic: from left to right, Walt from Breaking Bad, the main character from open round entry, some characters from Calculator Kids)

New Stuff Coming Soon- BB Collab/ NMAE Open Round/ Calc Kids